Grief & Loss

Journey Through Recovery

We are thrilled to be able to share our passion for those who are going through various grief and losses on their journey this side of Heaven. We are partnering with various churches in offering, “Journey Through Grief and Loss” specifically designed to be a class/support group for those who are grieving loss due to the death of a loved one.

We have longed to be able to provide and facilitate groups like this as we have seen throughout the years that most everyone who is struggling has trapped unresolved grief and loss issues. We knew people needed a safe place to not only unpack their losses but to realize that they are not alone on this journey. So many would tell us their life situations and they would say they felt crazy for all the wide range of emotions and feeling so disconnected from things that used to
bring them joy. We can assure them with confidence that they are not crazy but grieving. Even as believers we are never fully prepared to adequately walk this grief journey alone. Everyone has a unique experience with grief. There is no time frame for navigating through these turbulent waters of accepting and moving forward with a new and forever changed life. Each time we lose someone near and dear to us it rocks our world, it forever changes us and makes us take a step back and reflectively analyze our own lives.
“You do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears
for a little time and then vanishes.” (James 4:14)

In our classes we help to educate others on what grief really is. How it looks and feels and what is normal and what is complicated grief. As we share information we take time to discuss and share the heartache with the rest of the group who are walking along the same path and it is such a blessing to see how they reach out and comfort one another.
“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled we
will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”(2 Corinthians 1:4)

It is during this time of anguish that it really hits home how powerless we are to this time of hurt and devastation even as HIS children we all must walk through this life transforming journey of grief. And as we do that together we must not forget how precious and loved we are by our Savior who is walking alongside and often carrying us through this time.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”(2 Corinthians 12:9)

Please know you are not alone on this journey through grief and loss. We would love to walk alongside you to comfort and encourage your heart that there is HOPE Beyond Today!

12-week class taught in two Phases:

Phase l 
Hope Beyond Today is an introduction and understanding of what grief is after the sudden loss of a loved one.  We will process together the deep emotional pain and heartache and uncover useful tools to help navigate through these rough waters on this very personal unexpected journey. (6 weeks)

Phase II
This phase goes deeper in unpacking the obsessive questions, “The Why, What If & If Only.” We process deeper into the guilt, anger, forgiveness and find that there is HOPE, HEALING & Growth. You will find that you can live life again and learn to Embrace a New Journey. (6 Weeks) 


“Eric & Annette did a great job facilitating the class and getting people to open up – valuing each person’s experience with grief and loss. The video testimonies covered a wide range of losses that people experience; death of child to the death of a spouse and scenarios like suicide and drunk driving. One of the most valuable things was time in class to share and experience healing with others who are walking the same road.”

— Jenn

“Highly Recommended”

“I would highly recommend this class to anyone walking through grief and loss. I would also recommend hosting this class to any church or organization looking to come alongside those in need of grief care. If you have any questions or if you would like to speak to me further, please feel free to
contact me at any time. On behalf of Eric, Annette, and Passion for Souls, thank you for your time and
for your consideration.”

— Pastor Russell Weller

“Helped with my Grief”

“This was a very good class – very interesting!
They took the time allowing everyone to share – very patient!
The class really helped me to put things in perspective. A person wants to get through grief as quickly as possible, but it doesn’t work like that. This class took me through the necessary steps for healing. I cannot express how much seeking the Lord helps in the midst of processing grief!”

— Brandon

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P.O. Box 346
Fort Dodge, IA

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